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Best New Girl Quotes for Instagram

Who’s that girl? It’s Jess! New Girl is on with a fairly constant rotation in my house. When we realized that the actual loft building used in tons of scenes of the show was not far from our home, we jumped in the car to check it out.

We visited the New Girl lofts (aka The Binford Building) in the Art District in downtown LA.

Visit it HERE.

The surrounding neighborhood is filled with eclectic eateries, breweries, and art installations. Street parking is available and, as would be expected in a large city, harder to find. For my sitcom-obsessed family, it was a fun outing to visit the actual location for one of our favorite shows.

If you love New Girl as much as we do, check out these quotes for your Instagram. Taken from Jess, Nick, Schmidt, Winston, and Cece, these quotes make for hilarious captions.

Best New Girl Quotes for Instagram

“So, I’ve decided to give up on women and put all that energy into tomatoes.” -Nick

When you’re sharing your harvest or grocery store haul, channel your inner Nick who enthusiastically has sworn off women in place of a rooftop garden.

“I can afford the valet charge and the ‘add onions.’” -Nick

Humble bragging? Try this baller quote when you can afford BOTH the valet & the menu extras.

“If I were off my rocker, would I take a weekly selfie with my cat?” -Winston

Use this quote when captioning a photo with your furry friend.

“This coat has clean lines and pockets that don’t quit, and when I wear it, I feel hot to trot.” -Nick

Nick may have stolen a coat that arrived accidentally on his doorstep. But when you look that good, how can you return it? And who cares that it’s a women’s coat? Certainly not Nick!

“I’m not convinced I know how to read. I’ve just memorized a lot of words.” -Nick

Perfect for a school graduation photo, this line from the author of The Pepperwood Chronicles is especially funny.

“I just wanted to listen to Taylor Swift alone!” -Jess

Jess is the total cottage core queen. You don’t know to be wallowing after a breakup to use this self-care quote.

“I hope you like feminist rants, because that’s kind of my thing.” -Jess

Feminist rants are 100% my thing and good news: I’ve got three daughters who are perfecting their own. Sooo this quote has lots of future potential in our feed. Hope it does in yours, too!

“Can I get an alcohol?” -Nick

The best part of Nick ordering an alcohol is he’s a bartender and bar owner. But some days you just can’t gather the strength to figure out the order.

“I like getting older. I feel like I’m finally aging into my personality.” -Nick

Cozying up in a sweater and watching Murder, She Wrote reruns? This is the perfect quote for those of us who are older than our birth certificate may imply.

I’m pretty sure I’m having a heart attack, and I haven’t arranged for anyone to clear my internet history. I wasn’t building a bomb, I was just curious.” -Nick

Seriously, our next of kin should automatically be assigned to clear that nonsense immediately. Use this caption any time you’re sharing a super energetic photo.

Do I regret it? Yes. Would I do it again? Probably.” -Nick

Living on the edge? Like not grabbing a cart when heading into Target? Share this quote from Nick any time you share a maaaaybe questionable outing.

“I am not a successful adult. I don’t eat vegetables and/or take care of myself.” -Nick

Adulting is super overrated. This is a funny caption for a birthday photo for a New Girl birthday.

“The economy stinks, bees are dying, and movies are pretty much all sequels now.” -Schmidt

Exasperated Schmidt is the best Schmidt. If you’re channeling your inner annoyance or just happening to be seeing a sequel at the movies, this would be a perfect fit.

“Pine has no place in this loft. It’s the wood of poor people and outhouses.” -Schmidt

Showing off your home decor? This caption comes from the episode when Jess brings home a questionable cabinet that doesn’t get the seal of approval. Schmidt will totally approve of your choices.

“Saturday is a day for sleeping, and damn it, you will not take that away from me!” -Winston

This is the perfect caption for every photo of my teen. Cozy up with a caption taken from Winnie the Bish.

“Watch your front, because we’ve got your back!” -Cece

If you’re having a mess around with your best friends, let them know that you have their back.

“I’m the squirrel, and you’re my nut. Winter is coming, and I’m gonna store you in my cheek, girl.” –Schmidt

Sure, it’s a little hard to follow. But love is kind of like that. Post this caption with a picture of you and your love interest.

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Whether you’re visiting the New Girl building or just showcasing your love for the show, these quotes are perfect for using as your Instagram captions. Do you have a favorite quote I missed? Share it in the comments!

the authorMelanie
Hanging with my family, making fun stuff, & going on adventures.


  • Hi Melanie!

    My name is Joli and I found your site because my 9-year-old son was recently diagnosed with a cholesteotoma and I was doing the dreaded Googling. We see the surgeon for a hearing test and next steps in a few weeks and I am a nervous wreck. Reading about your daughter’s experience helped so much, so thank you!

    How is she doing? Do you have any thoughts now that you’re a few years out? Would love to chat. I’m a huge worrier and could use the mom perspective.

    Best to you and your family!

    • Hi Jolie! Thanks for reaching out. I know how scary Google can be with so many different scenarios. I’ve found that Facebook groups offer both support and less scary outcomes, if you’re interested in joining others dealing with the same issues.

      My daughter is thriving! Her hearing loss is stable, and she’s had no reoccurring issues since her surgery. She has an IEP for school. Although she doesn’t have any academic concerns, it allows for her assistive devices like an FM system and support from support staff. We’ve been really lucky with wonderful academic partners.

      Overall, I’m grateful her story has reached such a mellow patch. I know how stressful and scary diagnosis is, so please reach out if you need anything. My email address is

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