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What’s Coming to the Disney Channel This Fall

Do you love Disney Channel shows as much as your kids?  I know I do!  We had a chance to check out some of the fun scheduled this season, and I’ve got to say it’s a great time to be a Disney family!

We were  invited to check out fall programming by Disney Channel PR.  All thoughts and opinions are my own.

As a mom, I am looking for programming that is funny, wholesome, and offers conversation starters.  This season on Disney Channel is all of those things and more!

Knowing our love for all things Disney, we were so thrilled to be invited to a magical morning in Burbank .  We arrived at Disney Studios, and my two littles were in total heaven.  The idea that they were walking the halls were magic happens was not lost on them.  The excitement continued as we entered a screening room, ready to get a sneak peek at the premieres of favorite shows plus exclusives!

What’s Coming to Disney Channel This Fall

Andi Mack

In Andi Mack, our teenaged lead (played by Peyton Elizabeth Lee) is navigating self-discovery, romance, and friendship.  I adore the three generations of independent women.  Plus, Andi is such a great role model.  She’s supportive and kind.   In years filled with uncertainty about who they are, I hope my girls remember Andi was true to herself. As a mama, I love seeing the bond between her and Bex (played by Lilian Bowden).

Check out Andi Mack Mondays at 8 PM ET/PT.

Raven’s Home  

Raven-Symone’ is all grown up, and playing mom to two in Raven’s Home.  Some moms have a sixth sense, but Raven’s character can see the future.  In all of our futures is a special musical episode Raven’s Home Remix. We got to screen the legendary episode early, but my lips are sealed until Friday at 8:00 PM ET/PT when the fun airs!

To help tide you over until Friday, check out the new music video featuring Raven’s Home star Navia Robinson and all your favorite leading ladies from the Disney Channel.

I’ll admit that during our screening, I got a little choked up.  Seeing the powerful messages of choosing kindness, realizing your potential, and supporting one another is exactly  what I want to expose my children to.  So many talented young women, inspiring their followers to be “Legendary.”

Check out the special musical episode of Raven’s Home  Friday at 8 PM ET/PT.

Coop and Cami : Ask the World

Do your kids love online video stars as much as mine?  Then this new show is absolutely perfect.  Coop and Cami : Ask the World features two adorable social media stars who let the world make their decisions by asking “Would you Wrather?”  My own kids have seen the promo airing on the Disney Channel and are soooo excited for this one.

Our wait is almost over as the show premiers Friday night at 8:30!

The Disney Channel line-up this fall is filled with laughs and a whole lot of heart.   There are more details to share this week, so you’ll want to follow along on social media using the hashtags #AndiMack, #RavensHomeRemix, and #CoopandCami!

Which Disney Channel show are you most looking forward to watching this fall?


the authorMelanie
Hanging with my family, making fun stuff, & going on adventures.


  • We love the Disney Channel over here! We’re excited to tune in on the tv! That is so cool you were able to attend! Looks like the kids had a blast! Thanks for sharing!

  • Oh my gosh, this is amazing!! My daughter, Madi is going to be so jealous! I know I am! I’ll always be a Disney kid at heart. I love that the whole family can watch these shows and be entertained!

  • This is a very nice opening for all those who love Disney. Thanks for posting this and many people would absolutely love this.

  • Excellent – my kids are all a bit too old for the Disney Channel anymore (at least they think they are). I however, am very excited to see Raven’s Home!

  • You got to go to the Disney Channel space I was there in June and I felt so honored to be there. I grew up on the Disney Channel and i was a kid when Thats So Raven first came out so its wonderful to see a Remix Reboot of the show getting more seasons with Ravens Home!

  • How fun to be able to get a sneak peek of your fave shows! My little one is still watching Disney Jr. but it’s great to know that in a few years there will be options for great family tv.

  • Oh my we love Disney channel. My kids never get tired of watching the Disney channel. Can’t wait to tell them. Thank you for sharing .

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